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Our Company is in S. Secondo di Pinerolo, nearby motorways and the Torino "Tangenziale".
Thanks to our location we can provide rapid shipments and technical support.

Our shed extends on 1500 mq and is made up as follows:

  • workshop, 800 mq
  • warehouse and testing, 110 mq
  • offices, 190 mq
  • changing room and canteen, 85mq
  • BCAutomation's planning and design offices , 215 mq
  • parking, 1550 mq

Settori di produzione

Tecnomesa S.a.s. was founded in 1984 and its principal aims are:

  • To design and plan special equipment
  • Replacement mechanical parts for machine finishing processes involving turning, milling, grinding, and adjustment.
  • Construction of soldered structures finished with machine tools.
  • Test benches
  • Assembly benches
  • Carriers
  • Locking devices for machines or finishing transfers
  • Assembly stations
  • Gripping and transport equipment
  • Planning and design studio for electrical, hydraulic, and fluid systems
  • Assembly of pneumatic systems
  • Assembly of electric and electrical systems
  • Turnkey testing and trial services
  • EC certification usage manuals

The management of Tecnomesa S.a.s follows the quality policy described below, and is committed to its application. Checks are performed periodically to ensure that all stated objectives are reached, through meetings involving all the managers of the bodies listed in the organizational chart.


Tecnomesa S.a.s., which has run a successful business in the machine finishing field since 1984, has achieved excellent results in recent years on both business and economic levels. The prospects for the market in question, however, do not leave much room for optimism, due to the reduction in economic margins, the increased cost of labor, the constant updating of production machinery, and delivery times requested by customers. In view of the issues listed above, in order to continue to grow and achieve satisfactory results, it has become indispensable to enact a policy that aims for full client satisfaction and continuous improvement iNCompany quality, goals that Tecnomesa intends to achieve through:
  • The development, management, and certification of the quality system in accordance with the UNI ISO 9002 standards.
  • The development of company improvement plans that set out tasks and those responsible for their implementation.
  • The general circulation of the quality policy at all levels, through meetings and opportunities for exchange.
  • The promotion of professional development for its employees through training and education programs.
  • From this perspective, each person must consider herself to be responsible for "Quality" in her own sphere of operations, and must make important contributions to the achievement of established goals, since these represent an important stimulus for the evolution of the company as a whole.

Cermet - Sistema di gestione certificato
Visualizza il certificato di qualità Tecnomesa
[file .pdf - 270 kb]
Copyright © Tecnomesa 2003